We usually meet on the first Friday of each month at 2pm in the hall for a talk on topics of general gardening interest and, of course, for a cuppa and biscuit.
Newcomers are very welcome.
Why not come along and see if you would like to become a member.
Some months we have away meetings, outings or do not operate. For details and the meetings program, please contact us on the numbers below or use this link Exton Garden Club Programme
We most often meet on the first Friday of the month at 2pm in Exton Village Hall, however there are some exceptions, so please check the details below.
When we are at the hall, we usually have a speaker who will give a talk.
Our program is as varied as possible and includes plant sales and an outing.
We have an AGM with refreshments, biscuits etc. provided by the committee. We also go out for a winter lunch.
The annual subscription is currently £10 per person to include coffee or tea and biscuits after each talk.
We are delighted to see new visitors at the hall. Temporary membership is £3 per person, per meeting to include usual tea or coffee and biscuit.
For more information, please ring Katharine Turner on 01392 876506, or Sarah Kellagher on 01392 876010.
If you wish to contact us, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page, or just come along to one of our meetings as a visitor when we are at the hall.
The contact form requires your email address for us to reply to you. We will not pass this on to other organisations or use it for marketing purposes.